
10. Konferencja – voucher na szkolenia

Dzięki Database Consulting, na najbliższej konferencji PDUG w dniach 30-31 Marca, zostanie rozlosowany voucher na szkolenie do wyboru z DB2. Voucher pozwala zrealizować szkolenie samodzielnie w formie zdalnej, w dogodnych dla uczestnika godzinach

Course Name

  • DB2 Family Fundamentals WBT
  • DB2 Family Fundamentals WBT
  • SQL Workshop WBT
  • DB2 10 Administration Workshop for Linux and Windows WBT
  • DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows New Features WBT
  • DB2 10.1 for LUW New Features and Database Migration Considerations WBT
  • DB2 10.5 for LUW New Features and Database Upgrade Considerations WBT
  • Implementation and Use of DB2 BLU Acceleration WBT
  • DB2 10.5 for LUW Advanced Database Administration with DB2 BLU Acceleration WBT
  • DB2 10.1 for LUW Quickstart for Experienced Relational DBAs WBT
  • DB2 10 for LUW Advanced Database Recovery WBT
  • IBM OpenPages: Role Based Security (v7.3) eLearning WBT
  • DB2 11 for z/OS Application Programming Workshop WBT
  • SQL Workshop – SPVC DB2 SQL for Experienced Users – SPVC
  • Quick Basics of DB2 10.5 Administration for Windows – SPVC
  • Implementation and Use of DB2 BLU Acceleration – SPVC
  • DB2 Stored Procedures Programming Workshop – SPVC


Szczegóły zasad voucher na szkolenie tutaj. 

Voucher Szkolenie SPVC WBT PDUG (587.9 KiB)


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