Presentation title: Sysplex Workload Balancing – Myth or Legend

19 Mar 2018

Presentation abstract: For many Db2 Systems Programmers and DBAs, Sysplex Workload Balancing (WLB) for distributed applications remains something of a mystery.  This presentation unravels the complexities of Sysplex WLB. It outlines the benefits of Sysplex WLB and uncovers the role played by the Sysplex Distributor and z/OS Workload Manager (WLM) in routing connections and transactions in a data sharing environment. It explains why the DRDA workload sometimes doesn’t seem to be balanced across the data sharing group, and why workloads can shift suddenly and dramatically from one member to another. It reveals the reasons behind this and what is being done by IBM to address the issue, and explains the „best member” algorithm.



Languages :  Polski Session Category :  Kraków 2018