Jak uniknąć błędów zaczynając przygodę z IBM Db2 BLU

Cel prezentacji: Przedstawienie uczestnikom konferencji podstawowych błędów i zagadnień związanych z rozpoczęciem korzystania i implementacji Db2 BLU w systemach typu OLAP/Warehouse oraz podstawowych błędów popełnianych w trakcie tworzenia i użytkowania Db2 BLU. W trakcie prezentacji przedstawię podstawowe zagadnienia związane z użytkowaniem Db2 BLU w systemach analitycznych. Wskażę doświadczenia w kwestii poszukiwania błędów na wszystkich etapach przejmowania aktualnie istniejących … Czytaj dalej

Tough SQL Analysis

With this presentation I’d like to touch quite delicate spot of Db2 knowledge – tough SQLs. I suppose most of us aware how to improve one table SQL – that’s a must. But sometimes things got worse, SQLs could be much more complicated and normal technics are not enough. How to approach them – that’s … Czytaj dalej

Powerful Synergy with IBM Z Processors and Db2 for z/OS

John will share performance information about  of the following: zHyperLinks Exploitation (z14 & DS8K), Db2 Pervasive Encryption (z14), Async CF LOCK1 Structure Duplexing, Deeper Compression with Huffman Compression (z14).

Db2 for z/OS Native RESTful Experience

IBM Db2 for z/OS is still the undisputed leader for storing and maintaining mission critical data. It remains the “gold standard” for system availability, scalability, security and cost effectiveness. A majority of Fortune 500 companies, including the world’s top banks, retailers and insurance providers trust Db2 for z/OS for storing their data. In addition, Db2 … Czytaj dalej

JC Greatest Hits, War Stories, and Best Practices 2019 for Db2 for z/OS

This session will share lessons learned from good and bad customer experiences, and share recommended best practice. The presentation is a mash up of the following topics: •Running out of basic 6-byte log RBA addressing range •Diagnosing resolving slow-downs and hangs •Hung Db2 threads •New ZSA keyword on HIPER and PE APARs •Insert free space … Czytaj dalej

Db2 Technology Update and Futures by John Lind and Jessica Rockwood

Jon Lind and Jessica Rockwood will during this session discuss of the technology advances delivered in v11.1. Specifically looking at the technology advances in areas of BLU Acceleration, pureScale, JSON, Restful API support amongst many others. In addition, both will discuss future technology that the Db2 is pursuing in the areas of reliability, analytics, application … Czytaj dalej

Db2 BLU: understanding and optimizing columnar queries – by Kamil Kuduk

Db2 BLU (columnar) queries can be written exactly the same as those working with row engine, but they are processed differently by the database. In this talk I will try to explain the difference, show how to analyze the execution plan for columnar queries and how to make them more efficient.

Db2 – the Common SQL Engine – by Jessica Rockwood

The world of data management  is changing rapidly and Db2 has changed along with it. This presentation will look at some of the trends and disruptions that are affecting all of us and describe how Db2 has evolved to continue to offer you the flexibility needed to manage your data in the modern world with … Czytaj dalej

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