13. Conference PDUG – Wrocław

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Date(s) - 20/09/2018 - 21/09/2018

Scandic Wrocław


Welcome to the 13th conference of the association “Polish DB2 Users Group.”

At our next meeting There will be speakers who presents news, best practices and share experience of its processing centers.

As at previous conferences, and this time we can count on two tracks, one for Z/OS and one for the LUW.

Below link to agenda

We are confident that our wide range of training associations will meet your appreciation.

The conference is free of charge for members/speakers/1st time ateendees. NOTE A week before the conference will be conducted verification. 

We encourage person to fill declaration of accession to our community during conference. Members of the association “Polish DB2 Users Group” remind of the need to pay contributions.
Number of seats at the conference is limited.

 Our sponsor for this conference is UBS

Conference venue

Conference venue  Scandic Hotel

* By sending your reservation you consent to the processing of your personal data contained in the application form for registration necessary to do Conferences (according to the Law of 29.08.1997 on the Protection of Personal Data Year; consolidated text. Journal of Laws of 2002 No. 101 ..

* In the text field “Comment” Please enter the name of your company!


Rezerwacje na to wydarzenie są już niedostępne. / Reservations for this event are no longer available.