Keynote: #Winning Every Day

GTC Edison - Kraków


A tall skinny pimple faced teenager sells the most pizzas three years in a row for his Boy Scout Troop, becomes an Eagle Scout, a Fraternity Brother, Radio Shack’s top salesman, a COBOL/VSAM/DB2 developer, a DBA, an MVS Systems Programmer, a father, a Director for the #1 App Vendor to Higher Education, an IDUG speaker, a DB2 Consultant, a Small Business Entrepreneur, a US patented inventor, a millionaire, a serial Entrepreneur, virtually bankrupt, an regular IDUG volunteer and speaker, and a millionaire again – the kind that lives next door.

Forty years later, the pimple faced kid has a great complexion most days but is no longer skinny despite running half marathons.  Life has taught him much.  All of the things that he didn’t learn on life’s journey, his wife completed his education with daily advice on his imperfections augmented by regular beatings and honey-do chores.  Perfection is elusive, but he enjoys the pursuit of WINNING while eating generous portions of humble pie.

The world today is filled with chaos, violence, natural and unnatural disasters, economic turmoil, political differences, and intense competition from new places and forces unlike we’ve ever known in recent years.  What is your strategy for surviving?  For thriving?  For winning?  I’d like to help you.  And I have three ideas for you!


Languages :  Polski Session Category :  Kraków 2018