Customer experiences with DB2 z/OS V11 – True Disaster Recovery Testing – in Anger – with some surprises

10:15  -  11:15
Millennium Plaza, 30.03.2017

This presentation will provide an overview of a z/OS disaster test environment with DB2 Version 11 from a customer project. It will talk about several important areas of interest, that also are key to success, not only if you are z/OS Metro Mirror across locations, but also if you are about to set yourself up for a true disaster test for DB2 Version 11. What are the avoidable pitfalls in several areas. What if you might want or need to recover the entire production facing GREP and LPL for – The Catalog maybe not all, but of your key user object – What – if  – why, when and how long… How to best move forward with a best practice strategy meeting your service level agreements. What is normal and how are you prepared to meet your management objectives. Test in anger, so what!? What is so grate about a unsuccessful test. What are the use cases if you want to avoid limits. Most important – what is there you still will need to do…. There might be some magic in DB2 11, but you still need to know the jinx and be practicing the right to do it right, otherwise regret might be waiting around the next corner….

Languages :  Polski Session Category :  Konferencje PDUG  Warszawa 2017